Eleventh Doctor “Scales” Waistcoat Analysis – Fabric

The reason the “scales” waistcoat has been given its nickname is because of the weave of the fabric itself.

In the show, the waistcoat usually appeared to be solid gray:

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x8 "The Rings of Akhaten"
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x10 "Hide"
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x11 "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS"

Sometimes it took on a purple-ish hue, too.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
8x01 "The Day of the Doctor," Blu-Ray special feature, "Doctor Who Explained"

Even on Blu-Ray, seldom were hints of the fabric’s actual texture and weave visible.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x10 "Hide"
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x11 "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS"
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x11 "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS"
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x11 "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS"

In fact, during the course of my research, I only found a single instance of the “scales” fabric being clearly visible in the show.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x8 "The Rings of Akhaten"

Fortunately, publicity photos for the show were usually very high-resolution, and the “scaley” texture of the fabric is much more easily observable than in the show itself.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x8 "The Rings of Akhaten" (publicity photo)
11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x10 "Hide" (publicity photo)

It’s also easy to see why the waistcoat sometimes took on a purple-ish color.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x7 "The Bells of Saint John" (publicity photo)

Observe that the “scales” pattern wasn’t simply printed onto the fabric; it was actually woven that way, producing the textured effect.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x11 "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS" (publicity photo)

Also observe that the fabric was oriented with the rounded part of the “scales” facing upward on the waistcoat.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
7x10 "Hide" (publicity photo)

If you were fortunate enough to have visited the Doctor Who Experience before it closed and saw the 11th Doctor costume display there, you may recall that the texture and colors of the fabric are easily observable in-person.

11th Doctor "scales" waistcoat fabric
Doctor Who Experience (photo by Alexey Korobko)

As The Ginger Doctor and Daniel Pawlik discovered, the fabric itself is a wool/silk blend and available in a variety of colors.

“The Ginger Doctor” also has a beautiful high-resolution scan of the fabric on his blog, accompanied by a description of its strange properties. Check it out via the link below:


On a final note, one can’t help but wonder what the intended purpose for this strange fabric was and/or is.

Some sharp-eyed fans have subsequently observed it – and its alternately-colored companions – on other (non-Who) costumes, but I suspect it may have originally been intended for upholstery and was “adopted” for apparel use, as is often done in the entertainment industry.

Not long after I began researching this waistcoat, I went to lunch with some friends and something about the restaurant booths caught my eye …

It’s nowhere near an exact match – not by a long shot – but the essence of it was certainly familiar.

Now, just file that away under “things you can’t unsee” and try not to look like an eccentric weirdo photographing restaurant booths while hanging out with friends.

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