Tenth Doctor Brown Suit – Costume Analysis

Preliminary Notes

Welcome to the OCD costume analysis of the 10th Doctor’s brown suit!

I primarily researched and analyzed this costume for the Tailors Gone Wild (formerly Bad Wolf Costumes) 10th Doctor suit sewing pattern, which, as you’ll see, I drafted to be as faithful to the originals as possible. 

However, I’m happy to share my research and findings with you, in the form of this free analysis.


I want to thank costume designer Louise Page for not only designing such a wonderful costume for David Tennant to wear while playing the character, but also for discussing the costumes with me and answering many of my questions about them.

I’d like to acknowledge Steve Ricks as a forerunner with his 10th Doctor costume research back in the day, and sharing some of his research on his blog, tennantsuit.com.

I also want to thank Thomas Dunn for providing me with detailed photos of authentic GAP trousers, for use in this costume analysis.

And finally, I want to especially thank my Ko-Fi supporters for helping me be able to produce sewing/costuming resources like this analysis, and share them online.

If you enjoy this costume analysis, please support my costume research on Ko-Fi. 🙂

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